I have something to confess... when it comes to task organization, I need maximum concentration to not forget anything

That’s why...

A few years ago, I decided to design an agenda tailored to my needs. Nothing in particular, just a place where I could go to jot down my most spontaneous ideas and also have space for things I need to do and must not forget.

A fusion of agenda and notebook. A dash of color, famous quotes for each week from my favorite authors, including my loved ones, and a map to help me locate and choose the next destination.

Once the agenda was printed, I decided to add a touch of flair by giving it a cool pink outline. I grabbed some spray paint, covered the edges, let it dry for a solid 24 hours, and voilà!


As a cat lover, the branding of "MONa.MONa.MONa" is deeply rooted in my affection for my cats, Mona and Lisa. Mona, being the eldest and the inspiration behind this project, holds a special place. It's more than just aesthetics; it's a nod to Spain's endearing expression of "mono, mono, mono," signifying something wonderfully crafted.

And as a stickers lover…



